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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Tatiana S. Makarova, Maria A. Molchanova, Elena A. Morozova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_4_82
Abstract. The paper analyses the ways educational materials, including those presented in e-textbooks, can be personalised for online classes of Russian as a foreign language. Considering e-learning as an educational process based on application of interactive informational technologies of storing and processing teaching materials, the authors outline an algorithm of teaching on the basis of existing textbooks of Russian as a foreign language in the format relevant for effective digital teaching. The authors share their experience of synchronous e-teaching and highlight the necessity of modifying educational materials of a concrete textbook that emerges due to the personalised approach to teaching foreign languages, especially Russian as a foreign language online. Synchronous e-teaching means regular distant interaction between a
teacher and a group of learners / individual learners in the form of communication via personal computers. In this environment printed means of teaching, textbooks, which have proved their efficiency during traditional offline classes, and primarily tasks for independent study of those learning Russian as a foreign language can be modified or designed through relevant web technologies and tools of e-learning. The authors highlight that the tendencies described are inevitable and create additional beneficial opportunities for learners as they make memorising easier through visualisation and provide more comfortable access to reading and listening materials through interactive media means.
Keywords: online teaching, electronic textbook, Russian as a foreign language, educational content

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