For instance: The Scientific Opinion
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Reviewing of manuscripts received by the Editorial Board

 1.     All manuscripts received by the Editorial Board are cataloged according to the Nomenclature of Scientific Specialties and sent to editorial boards on science branches.
2.    The paper presented by the author is reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board (PhD, Full Professor) in the form of review (expert survey) confirmed by the Editorial Board. Among reviewers are leading specialists of scientific research institutes and universities of Saint-Petersburg.

3.    Reviewing is confidential. Violation of confidentiality is possible only in case when the reviewer states the unreliability or falsification of materials presented in the paper.

4.    The author can get the review of his/her paper on request, without signature and name, position and work place of the reviewer.

5.    If the author of the paper disagrees with the reviewer’s opinion, he/she may submit a reasoned reply to the Editorial Board. The paper may be sent for reviewing again or for consideration in the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board informs the author about the decision on request.

6.    In case of substantial changes, the corrected variant of the manuscript is forwarded by the Editorial Board for another reviewing.

7.    The final decision on acceptance of the paper and its publication in one of the journal volumes is made at Editorial Board meetings. The Editorial Board sends a motivated refusal to the author, whose paper has not been accepted, on his/her request. TheEditorial Board should inform the author about the decision within not more than 3 months from the latest reception of the manuscript.  Reviews are kept in the publishing house and the editorial office within 5 years.Manuscripts of published papers are not returned to authors.

8.    The Editorial Board is obliged to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on request to the Editorial Board.