“The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociologocal sciences” Journal publishes papers in the following areas of knowledge:
The Editorial Board accepts for further consideration research papers as well as analytical materials, scientific reviews, reports, informational and advertising materials in the Russian language.
Standard requirements for the submission of manuscripts
1. The text should be submitted electronically in the .doc/.docx/.rtf format. Font type is Times New
Roman, font size 14, one and a half spacing. Margins: left – 2.5 cm, right, top, bottom – 2.0 cm.
2. The manuscript should have not less than 6 pages in the above format, but should not exceed 18
pages (up to 40,000 characters, including spaces).
3. Figures are presented in the .bmp format, charts are in .xls/.xlsx, and tables are in .doc/.docx.
4. The material must be issued in the following sequence:
UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)
First name, Patronymic (or Middle name), Last name, University name, organisation, etc.,
city, country, e-mail address, ORCID (if any)
Abstract (250–300 words in Russian)
Keywords: (3–15 words or phrases in Russian)
Acknowledgments: (words of thanks to organisations, supervisors and other persons who assisted in
the preparation of the paper, information about grants, funding for the preparation and publication of
the paper)
First name, First letter of the patronymic (or Middle name), Last name,
name of the university, organisation, etc., city, country (IN ENGLISH), e-mail address, ORCID
Abstract (in English)
Keywords: (in English)
Acknowledgments: (in English)
5. The main text of the paper
5.1. References in the text of the paper are given in square brackets in strict accordance with the
References list.
5.2. To link in-text citations with the list of references, the numbers in sequential order should be
used in square brackets. If a reference is made to a specific quotation from a source, such reference
should be marked with a page number. Page numbers should be set off with commas. For example:
– in “References”: 3. Berdiaev N. A. The Meaning of History. M.: Mysl’, 1990. 175 p.
– in the text next to the citation (direct or indirect): [3, p. 81].
5.3. References to several sources in the list of references are separated by semicolons: [3; 8; 12].
6. References should be organised as per bibliographic requirements. They should be attached at the
end of the text under the References title. Sources are arranged as they are cited in the text.
7. In case the author deems it necessary to add notes, a new section should be created entitled
“Notes”, to be placed before the “References”. Notes may contain the author’s comments or
explanations indicated in the text by continuous numbering ( 1, 2, 3 , etc.).
8. Special symbols (i.e. Greek, Old Russian and other rare letters) should be inserted as images or accompanied by fonts containing such symbols.
The main prerequisites for publication in the Journal are:
submission of the manuscript and other relevant documentation in strict compliance with the aforementioned requirements,
a publishing contract and a license agreement signed by the author and the Publishing House
reviews of the papers certified by the reviewer’s signature and seal of the organisation in which the reviewer works are also taken into consideration.
The manuscript is considered accepted for publication if:
it receives a positive review by independent experts appointed by the Editorial Board of the Journal;
there is a publishing contract between the author and the Publishing House;