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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


Tan Yingjun
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.12.136.146
The role of the museum space as an educational resource has drawn attention of many 
scientists around the world. In modern society, museums are a signiƩcant element of 
culture, both traditional and modern, a mechanism of accumulation, scientiƩc research 
and broadcasting, representation of monuments of material and spiritual culture. This 
article  refers  to  the  current  experience  of  Casper  College  (Casper,  Wyoming,  USA) in using the capabilities of different museums in Wyoming, examines the educational resources  of  the  National  Art  Museum  of  China  (Beijing,  China)  and  the  Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg, Russia). In view of the difƩcult conditions still prevailing in the system of art education due to the pandemic, the issue of virtual educational resources of museums is raised.
Key  words:  art  museum,  city’s  educational  resources,  extracurricular  courses,  art 
education, service learning, live project, non-formal education.
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