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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


O. P. Ni, S. I. Saramakha
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.12.117.125
The  use  of  professionally  oriented  and  special  texts  in  teaching  master’s  students  of linguistic and technical specialties plays an important role and has pragmatic signiƲcance. However,  as  practice  shows,  when  translating  technical  literature,  difƲculties  are encountered by both linguists and future engineers due to the lack of technical knowledge of future translators and linguistic knowledge of future engineers. Editing and linguistic/technical design of the Ʋnal translation product can occur as a result of cooperation of students of linguistic and technical specialties and may be more productive, the use of compensatory skills and abilities has a positive role in this. Compensatory competence is inseparably linked with each of the competencies that make up a foreign language communicative  competence  and  interacts  with  them  at  any  level  of  proƲciency  in a foreign language. It is an integrator of these competencies, and at the same time is constantly being formed and improved.
Key  words: compensatory skills, compensatory competence, bilingualism, multilin-
gualism, interference. 
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