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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

«Moments from a Peking Opera» by Chen Qigang in the Context of Contemporary Piano Art

Xu Qingling
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The paper presents the experience of Chen Qigang’s interpretation 
of the piano work «Moments from a Peking Opera», which is fi rmly 
included in the concert and pedagogical repertoire of pianists from 
China, the United States, and Europe. From the musical and stylistic 
point of view, this work is one of the most vivid, demonstrating the 
points of contact between national features and Western European 
musical thinking. The general composition and expressive means of 
the work, which uses elements of the Peking Opera, are considered. 
In certain fragments of the work, the composer «introduces» ele-
ments of scherzo, etudes, toccata, which is manifested in the specifi c 
features of these genres — percussion, virtuoso techniques, wide 
interval jumps, octave interruptions, syncopation.
Keywords: national color, modern composition techniques, Peking Opera, toccato, 
texture, politonality, metric rythm.
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