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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Vocal Collection by Lu Zai-yi «I love this land»

Li Xinyan
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The paper is devoted to a masterpiece of Chinese chamber-vocal 
lyrics at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries — a collection of songs by 
Lu Zai-yi, whose peak of creativity coincided with the era of open-
ness. The composer called his creation «I love this land - Collection 
of artistic songs by Lu Zai-yi». Seven songs of the collection were 
composed over the course of 20 years and became the result of crea-
tive search and refl ections of the author on the essence of the Chinese 
art song. The fi rst impressions of the songs in the collection gave the 
audience an association with the Western style of recitative singing, 
with the embodiment of a romantic image system. But as time passed, 
the songs showed the depth of refl ection of the national spirit in the 
approach to the unity of singing — poetry — piano tone painting.
Keywords: Lu Zai-yi, vocal collection, vocal art, recitation, piano texture, symbolic 
sound image, imitation.
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