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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

F. Mendelssohn. Piano Quartets

Chang Shiyu
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The paper is devoted to analysis of genres in the instrumental 
chamber music, and how it is refl ected in the music of the prominent 
German romanticist Felix Mendelsshon Bartholdy. On the one hand, 
piano quartets follow the traditions of classicism, on the other hand, 
they integrate imagery and stylistic elements common for the art of 
romanticism. The novelty is expressed in the intonation of the compo-
sitions, form interpretation, specifi c ensemble texture. Mendelsshon’s 
piano quartets played a great role in further development of the genre. 
Keywords: classicism, romanticism, piano quartet, genre, form, structural dramaturgy.
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6. Samoylova N. K. Fortepiannyi kvartet v russkoy muzyke: istoriya i teoriya zhanra: 
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7. Sofronov F. M. Annotatsiya // Tigran Alikhanov i Moskovskiy strunnyi kvartet 
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9. Chaykin S. G. Spetsifi ka vyrazitel’nykh sredstv fortepiano v ansamble: avtoref-
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Novosibirsk, 2008. 23 s. 
10. Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung 1824, № 12 (Den. 18 Marz). S. 181–184.
11. Berliner allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, 1824 №19 (Den. 12. Mai). S. 168–
12. Brown Clive. A Portrait of Mendelssohn. Yale University Press. 2003. 551 p.
13. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: A Guide to Research with an Introduction to 
Research Concerning Fanny Hensel (Routledge Music Bibliographies). 2001. 278 p. 
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14. Filips Christian (Hrsg.): Der Singemeister Carl Friedrich Zelter. Mainz. Schott 
Music, Schott, Berlin 2009. 180 s.
15. Jacob H. J. Felix Mendelssohn and his times. R. Winston, C. Winston (transl). 
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall 1963. 388 p.
16. Lott M. S. The Social Worlds of Nineteenth-Century Chamber Music: Compo-
sers, Consumers, Communities. University of Illinois Press, 2015. 384 p.
17. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy K. Goethe und Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: mit 
F. Mendelssohns portrait aus seinem zwцlften lebensjahre. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1871. 
51 s. 
18. Todd R. Larry. The Chamber Music of Mendelssohn // Nineteenth-Century 
Chamber Music. Ed. Stephen E. Hefl ing. Routledge, 2004. Pp. 170–207.
19. Schwingenstein, Christoph, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix in: Neue Deut-
sche Biographie 17 (1994), S. 53–58. URL: https://www.deutsche-biographie. de/
pnd118580779.html#ndbcontent (data obrashcheniya: 15.06.20).
20. Smallman B. The Piano Quartet and Quintet: Style, Structure, and Scoring 
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21. Vitercik Gregory. The Early Works of Felix Mendelssohn: A Study in the Roman-
tic Sonata Style. Philadelphia: Gordon and Breach, 1992. 335 p. 
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