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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

The Saxophone in the Era of Totalitarianism. Art and Ideology

A. V. Maistrenko
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The purpose of the author is to generalize, structure, systematize and 
analyze profoundly the historical and factual material related to the 
impact of ideology of the totalitarian state on German and Soviet 
schools of saxophone playing. The relevance of the research is that 
this branch of art criticism is insuffi ciently developed, and the sources 
given in the present paper fi ll this gap. 
Keywords: saxophone, jazz, ideology, totalitarianism, popular music.
1. Gor’kiy M. Muzyka dlya tolstykh // Pravda. 18 aprelya 1928 g. S. 3. 
2. Dokladnaya zapiska N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova direktoru kantselyarii Mor-
skogo vedomstva K. A. Mannu // TSGA VMF Kantselyariya Morskogo vedomstva, 
rasporyaditel’nyi otdel, 1873. D. 21. L. 10.
3. Minkh N. O legkoy muzyke i eyo ispolnenii // Sovetskaya muzyka. 1956. № 7, 
S. 36–41.
4. Rudnitskiy E. Muzyka i muzykanty tret’yego reykha. M.: Klassika-XXI, 2006. 
640 s.
5. Spiski vypusknikov Pridvornoy Pevcheskoy kapelly // TsGIA. F. 500, op. 1, 
d. № 728/35.
6. Fomin V. Stareyshiy russkiy simfonicheskiy orkestr. L., 1982. 192 s. 
7. Horst L. Eric Borchard Story / L. Horst, P. Bergmeier, Rainer E. Lotz. // Jazzfre-
und. Nr. 35. Menden: Jazzfreund-Publikation, 1988. P. 1–37.
8. Le Journal des Dйbats politique et litteraire Paris //12 Juin 1842. P. 3.
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