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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

China’s Chamber Instrumental Music at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries in the Framework of the Dialogue of Traditions between East and West

Dong Shuhan
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The paper is devoted to chamber instrumental music of contem-
porary Chinese composers. The main trends in the development of 
chamber instrumental genres of the latest decades are considered in 
terms of relationships between European and Russian music of this 
period. The author highlights the specifi c features of musical lan-
guage, extraordinary mixed instrumental groups, unique refl ection 
of national traditions in the contemporary chamber music and their 
impact upon the form, harmony and melody of compositions. It is 
the fi rst time when the author has presented chamber instrumental 
works of the prominent Chinese chamber music composer Wang 
Xilin and his daughter — the outstanding composer Wang Ying.
Keywords: chamber instrumental music, Wang Xilin, Xang Ying, mixed instrumental 
music, singletimbre ensembles, improvisation, Chinese instrumental music.
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Price: 0 рублей
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