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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Late Period of P.F. Juon’s Composing Biography through his Epistolary Heritage (on the 80th anniversary of the composer’s death)

T. E. Nerovnaya
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The focus of this article is the creative biography of the Russian-Swiss 
composer Pavel Fedorovich Juon (1872-1940). The object of the research 
is the composer’s epistolary heritage, fi rstly presented to Russian musi-
cians and researchers. On the basis of letters stored in the archives 
department of the University Cantonal Library of Lausanne (Switzer-
land) and data translated by the author of the article, the author reveals 
the main artistic and aesthetic ideas that are important for the mature 
and late periods of the composer’s life in the historical and cultural 
framework of the fi rst half of the 20th century. A detailed analysis of the 
correspondence with the German musician Hans Сhemin-Petit made it 
possible to supplement the portrait of P. F. Juon’s with the characteristics 
of some of his personal qualities, the specifi city of the existing profes-
sional contacts of the composer, and the features of his attitude to the 
world in the last years of his life.
Keywords: musical art of the fi rst half of the 20th century, P. F. Juon, Hans Chemin-Petit, Russian Diaspora, biography, epistolary heritage, correspondence.
1. Korabel’nikova L. Z. Aleksandr Cherepnin: Dolgoe stranstvie M.: Yazyki russkoy 
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2. Nerovnaya T. E. Kompozitor Pavel Yuon i sud’by russkogo fortepiannogo trio 
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3. Savenko S. I. Mir Stravinskogo: monografi ya. M.: Izdatel’skiy dom «Kompozi-
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4. Savenko S. I. Sergey Ivanovich Taneyev. M.: Muzyka, 1984. 174 s.
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6. Badrutt Th. Paul Juon. Leben und Werk, Thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Kom-
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nationale Juon Gesellschaft, 2010. 2., revidierte, aktualisierte und ergдnzte Aufl age. 
Е5-Е74, 155 S.
7. Fonds Paul Juon (FPJ). Bibliotheque Cantonale et Universitaire (BCU), 
Lausanne — Departement de la musique — Section des archives musicales. FPJ 
Units 1–17.
8. Hans Chemin-Petit. URL: http://www.cheminpetit.de/ (data obrashcheniya: 
9. Internationale Juon Gesellschaft (IJG). URL: http://www.juon.org/ (data obra-
shcheniya: 22.07.2020).
10. Nerownaja T. Im Sog vielfaeltiger Ideen // Schweizer Musikzeitung, 2012. 
№ 7/8. S. 5–6.
11. Wehmeyer H. Paul Juon (1872–1940) — Ein Komponist zwischen Romantik und 
Moderne / Henning Wehmeyer. Berlin, unverцffentlicht, 2008. 75 S.
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