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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Imaginative Origami System: Transformation of Symbolic Meanings

O. B. Serdyuk, R. P. Musat
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The paper examines the origins of the fi gurative symbol formation in the 
Japanese art of origami. Origami fi gures are analyzed in the context of 
the traditions that have developed in the original Japan culture and under 
the infl uence of intercultural contacts. It has been determined that the 
variety of forms in origami is correlated with the fi gurative and symbolic 
content which is connected with the worldview foundations, mythological 
and religious views: Shinto and Zen Buddhism, and also with Eastern 
cultures. The basic principles in origami shaping are presented, taking 
into account changes in the plasticity of the sheet. As a result of the study, 
the main trends and prospects in the development of the origami art 
are generalised. It has been determined that over the centuries origami 
techniques receive a new interpretation in modern art works: decorative 
plastics, design, architecture, digital representation, mainly with the loss 
of sacred content and trend towards visual appeal.
Keywords: art of origami, Shinto traditions, Zen Buddhism in Japan, shaping and fi gurative symbolism in origami
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