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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Radio Operator of the 14th Rifl e Division “Ram and Breakthroughs” Sh. A. Kusanova: Pages of Biography and Front Life

Zh. S. Mazhitova, B. K. Omarova
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 The materials from the Nur-Sultan city archives reveal the front-
line, scientific and social activities of the radio operator of 
the 14th rifl e guards division Shagila Akimbaevna Kusanova 
(1923–2019). The author highlighted the heroic path of Sh. Kusa-
nova from the Crimea to Germany during the Great Patriotic 
War, the life path of the doctor of historical sciences, professor, 
whose labor activity was associated with the Republic’s higher 
education system.
Keywords: Soviet Union, Great Patriotic War, 14th Rifl e Division, Stalingrad, Victory, 
Sh.A. Kusanov.
1. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv goroda Nur-Sultan (GA g. Nur-Sultan). F. 61. Op. 7. D. 4.
2. GA g. Nur-Sultan. F. 362. Op. 1. D. 1.
3. GA g. Nur-Sultan. F. 61. Op. 7. D. 1. 
4. Zhenshchiny Kazakhstana — aktivnye stroiteli sotsializma (1918–1945). Sb. dokum. 
i materialov / sost. Abdulkarimova M. A., Abilova M. Kh., Kryuchkova N. K. i dr. Alma-
Ata: Kazakhstan, 1981. 335 s.
5. Zakon SSSR «O vseobshchey voinskoy obyazannosti» ot 1.09.1939 // URL: https://
ru.wikisource.org/wiki (data obrashcheniya: 17.12.2019).
6. Istoriya Kazakhskoy SSR. Almaty: Atamura, 2009. T. 4. 768 s.
7. Istoriya universiteta // URL: https://www.kaznu.kz/ru/11657 (data obrashcheniya: 
8. Mazhitova Zh. S., Omarova B. K., Atanakova K. M. Kazakhstantsy — uchastniki 
srazheniy pod Stalingradom v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny (po materialam arkhiva 
goroda Nur-Sultan) // Universitetskiy nauchnyi zhurnal. № 53 (2020). S. 25–33. DOI: https: 
//doi.org /10.25807/ PBH.22225064. 2020.53.25.33 
9. Murmantseva V. S. Sovetskie zhenshchiny v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne. M.: 
Mysl’, 1974. 64 s.
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