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This article aims to describe the blog as one of genre varieties trip. Blog- travel is reviewed in a number of genres, such as note, diary, journal, essay, memoir, and stands out for its genre specificity. The purpose of the article is to describe the sustainable compositional elements of post of blog-travel and to illustrate the specific strategies and tactics for the blog-travel to depict the space / location. This study uses material of a blog «The Chinese reality of Grigory Potemkin». As a result of analysis of 40 posts, there are three major communicative strategies of the blogger in the description of place: information-forming, optimizing and evaluative strategies. These communicative strategies in conjunction with cognitive strategies of description of a space are
implemented using special tactics, aimed at creating an image of a new object, previously unknown to the reader.
Keywords: blog as a genre of travel, compositional elements of the post of the journey,
cognitive strategies to describe space, functions of blog-travel, communicative strategies of speech blogger’s behavior patterns.
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