T. V. Hollerbach
Price: 50 руб.
Performers who sing Bach in Russian face a multifaceted problem of musical communication. Discursive approach to the study of the existence of vocal music in society dictates the need to go beyond purely musicological studies of musical works. Having left the task of comparison or assessment of existing translations to others and mindful of the attitude to the texts by Johann Sebastian Bach himself, the author,
however, draws attentions to some trends of authors of translations, either creating a successful communication in the form of musicalcommunicative event, or by practicing a purely reflective approach. Special attention is paid to rhetoric, in particular, the rhetoric of rhythm and emphasis. The author discovers an amazing concordance of many of the vocal works by J. S. Bach with Church Slavonic liturgical texts up to isomorphism (complete or partial), which is confirmed by the performance practices («hypotheses are not extemporized»).
Keywords: librettology, discourse, music-communicative event, nonparallel translation,
nonlinear translation, rhythm, metrical scheme, emphasis
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