G. K. Scshennikov
Price: 50 руб.
This article is a study of cinematographic art impacted by the everchanging image transmission technology. The subject of research are the processes taking place in the audio-visual culture and conditioned by the explosive development of multimedia at the level of technology and art. No wonder that many issues related to the full comprehension of the multimedia phenomenon still remain open. The cultural aspect of the process is determined by both the viewer’s perception and the appearance of new forms of content and aesthetical qualities of the visual messages. Exploring interrelationship between the classical legacy of the theater, cinema and TV directing and relatively novel multimedia directing is a significant step forward, especially in the context of issues inherent to “multimedia directing” and the current needs of the day. The author attempts to visualize the perspective and the cultural value of this new phenomenon.
Keywords: screen art, audiovisual culture, multimedia, multimedia direction, multimedia language, media message forms.
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