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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 16 (Philology and History, Archaeology and Art), 2015

Feodosia Amateur Art Associations in the Context of Artistic Activities in the Crimea during 1900s–1920s.

E. N. Alexeeyeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores the formative stage of the artistic activities in Feodosia in the early 20th century, including essential developments in the area of culture and art of the city, exhibitions, art collecting, outreach and educational activities.
Keywords: art amateur associations, exhibition activities, art criticism, art, landscape, art activities.
1. I. K. Ayvazovskiy. Dokumenty i materialy / sost. Sargsyan M. S., Arutyunyan
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406 s.
2. Barsamov N. S. 45 let v galereye Ayvazovskogo. Simferopol': Krym, 1971. 256 s.
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4. Voloshin M. A. Kul'tura, iskusstvo, pamyatniki Kryma // Zhizn' — beskonechnoe
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5. Voloshin M. A. Iskusstvo v Feodosii // Putnik po vselennym / sost., vstup. st.,
komment. V. P. Kupchenko i Z. D. Davydova. M.: Sov. Rossiya, 1990. S. 153–158.
6. Zolotoy vek khudozhestvennykh ob'yedineniy v Rossii i SSSR / sost.
D. Ya. Severyukhin, O. L. Leykind. SPb., 1992. 400 s.
7. Kupchenko V. Obshchestvo «Kimmerika» — pervyi kul'turnyi tsentr Feodosii //
Kimmeriyskie etyudy. Feodosiya: Koktebel', 1998. S. 29–33.
8. Mindlin E. Neobyknovennye sobesedniki. M.: Sovetskiy pisatel', 1968. 496 s.
9. Feodosiyskoe literaturno-khudozhestvennoe obshchestvo Kimmerika: Ocherk
vozniknoveniya, organizatsii i zadach obshchestva. Feodosiya: Progress, 1916. 32 s
10. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskiy arkhiv (TsGIA). F. 1284. Op. 188.
1903. D. 159.
Price: 50 рублей
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