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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 16 (Philology and History, Archaeology and Art), 2015

On 115th Anniversary of P. B. Ryzazanov’s Birth (1899–1942)

N. P. Ryazanova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article commemorates the 115th anniversary since the birth of Peter Borisovitch Ryazanov, a music composer and a professor at Leningrad Conservatory, an outstanding musician, a musicologist and a folklorist who founded his own school in composers’ pedagogics. The article explores various aspects of his accomplishments, including his participation in reforming composers education in 1920s and
his legacy as a composer.
Keywords: Peter Ryazanov, reform of high school music education, composers’
pedagogics, Melodics course, folklorism in music.
1. Bogdanov-Berezovskiy V. V. Ob'yedinenie molodykh kompozitorov // Rabochiy i
teatr. 1926. № 4 (71). 26 yanvarya.
2. Dzhabbarov A. Kh. Manas Leviev. Tashkent: Izd-vo lit. i iskusstva, 1986.
3. Ryazanov P. B. Voploshchenie luchshikh chuvstv sovetskogo naroda // Gazeta
«Kommunist». Yerevan, 1942. № 164. 14 iyulya.
4. Shcherbachyov V. V. Stat'i, materialy, pis'ma / sost. R. Slonimskaya; obshch. red.
A. Kryukova. L.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1985. S. 280–283.
5. [Shcherbachyov V. V., Tyulin Yu. N., Ryazanov P. B.]. O sovremennoy muzyke //
Zhizn' iskusstva. 1927. № 8. 22 fevralya. S. 8.
Price: 50 рублей
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