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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015


K. N. Ivanova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to superpolyphonic canons. These pieces are often found in Baroque treatises. The author analyses the canons of the following treatises: “Musurgia
Universalis” by А. Kircher, “Abhandlung von der Fuge” by F. W. Marpurg and “Documenti armonici” by А. Berardi.
Key words: superpolyphonic canons, Baroque, treatise, intellectual decorations,
А. Kircher.
1. Dubravskaya T. N. Polifoniya: uchebnik dlya vuzov. M.: Al’ma Mater, 2008. 360 s.
2. Ivanova K. Ob ukrasheniyakh v traktatakh o muzyke // OPERA MUSICOLOGICA. 2015. № 2 (24). S. 75–92.
3. Nalivayko D. Iskusstvo: napravleniya, techeniya, stili. Kiev, 1981. 287 s.
4. Simakova N. A. Kontrapunkt strogogo stilya i fuga: ucheb. pos. dlya stud. kompoz., ist.-teor. i dir.-khor. fak-tov muz. vuzov. M.: Kompozitor, 2002. T. 1. 528 s.
5. Berardi A. Documenti armonici. Bologna, 1687. 344 S.
6. Melamed D. A thirty-six voice canon in the hand of C. P. E. Bach // Bach Studies 2 (2006). Р. 107–118.
7. Kircher A. Musurgia universalis. Roma, 1650. 690 S.
8. Marpurg F. W. Abhandlung von der Fuge. Wien, 1843, Bd. 2. 193 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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