E. l. Koroleva
Price: 50 руб.
The sphere of housing and communal services of Russia is considered in the paper
in terms of ensuring economic security. The author proves the multi-industry nature
of housing and communal services, which results in a number of threats to the state
economic security. The author proposes an approach to determining industrial and
technological factors of economic security of housing and communal services and
analyses them through a case study of subjects of the Central Federal District (CFD).
The obtained results provide evidence of the regional differentiation of the level of
housing and communal services’ economic security assurance between 5 to 20%. The
industrial and technological factors are integral indices of economic security of housing
and communal services and consist of the following indicators: improvement of housing
facilities, share of substandard housing, share of totally deteriorated basic funds of
communal enterprises. The developed approach can be used in estimation of economic
security of housing and communal services in Russian regions.
Key words: economic security, housing and communal services, threats, industrial and
technological factors.
1. Zhilishchnye usloviya: ofitsial’nye dannye Rosstata. URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/housing/ (data obrashcheniya: 13.04.2015).