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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 12 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015

Towards Structural Typology of Russian Literary Texts of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries

Sang Hyun Kim, Jung Hyun Choi
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores the signifi cance of a comprehensive understanding of literary texts, particularly the works of the Russian classical literature of the 19th — early 20th centuries in order to establish a typology of the structural features of the works by the Russian literary classics. The source of the research material was the classic composition of theworks of prominent Russian writers of the 19th century with an emphasis on short stories.The issue of how to analyze the structure of the text in order to foster its comprehensive understanding by the reader is being resolved along with the study of the external structure of texts. Theoretical basis of the study is identifi ed as notions of “literariness” and “literature internal autonomy” introduced by the Russian Formalists into the theory of literature. The author tracks the development of issues raised by the Russian Formalists,including aesthetic and fi ctional elements of the higher order such as an “intentional forgery by the author”, which writers could not but introduce into the structure of their works. Taking into consideration the original intention of the author and the subsequent structural designs, the article explores explicit features of the works published in literary journals, which are absent in other literary texts. Based on historical and literary environment of the period under review, the author of the article highlights various structural types of the literary works and offers his classifi cation of their typology.
Key words: Russian short stories, structure of literary texts, typology of texts, Russian Formalism, New Criticism, Russian literary genre.
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Price: 50 рублей
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