N. V. Valkina, E. O. Panova, A. I. Ushnikov
Price: 50 руб.
This article is devoted to the study of the dynamics of electromyographic indices of the
upper limbs muscles of female students who are engaged in health-improving aerobics. Health-improving aerobics contains the aesthetic component of motor actions, which is expressed in rational arrangement of body parts, optimal amplitude of movements, correct posture, gestures and facial expressions. Beauty and grace of motor actions, forming the basis of improving aerobics, are mostly emphasised by fl exible arm movements expressing completeness of poses and choreographic elements. That is why the authors have analysed the shape and amplitude of the electromyograms obtained in the performance of upper limbs motor tasks. The results before and after the pedagogical experiment had signifi cant differences.
Key words: health-improving aerobics, female student, physical education, university,
electromyographic indices of muscles.
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