N. A. Nikolaeva
Price: 50 руб.
The article reveals the importance of folk epos and specific pattern of folk culture in the
ideology of the originating Nordic Art Nouveau in the Grand Duchy of Finland. The
study and reconsideration of folk traditions carried out by runes collectors J. Runeberg
and E. Lцnnrot, philosopher and historian Z. Topelius, artists E. Jдrnefelt, A. Edelfelt,
A. Gallen-Kallela, architects U. Nystrцm, E. Saarinen and others attained special
importance under the intensive development of national self-consciousness of the Finns, and this fact predetermined the “golden age” of Finnish art. The article’s novelty consists in the comparative analysis of artifacts of Finnish national romanticism involving the ethnographic approach to the style definition.
Key words: national identity, Nordic Art Nouveau, sources, Grand Duchy of Finland,
folk epos, Kalevala, national art, architect.
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