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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015


V. A. Gurevich
Price: 50 руб.

 The article is devoted to the 150th anniversary of the great German composer Richard Strauss (1864–1949) and the issues related to the assessment of the composer’s works on the pages of “The Russian Musical Newspaper”, the major music periodical of Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The author considers a wide range of issues, specific to the "silver century" of Russian art. The urgency of these problems was confirmed by the subsequent course of the global music process in the last century, Richard Straus being the clearest exponent of this process.

 Key words: music criticism, composing, foreign musicians in Russia.



1. «Bez dvizheniya» // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1899. № 44. S. 1113.
2. Bukinik M. Muzykal’naya zhizn’ Berlina // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1899. № 1. S. 36.
3. Koptyaev A. Novogermanskaya muzyka kak otrazhenie sovremennykh ﰿlosofskikh veyaniy // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1896. № 12. Stlb. 1661–1674.
4. Lipaev Iv. Iz Moskvy // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1896. № 4. Stlb. 487–488.
5. Muzyka za granitsey // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1898. № 3. S. 327.
6. P. [M. Petrovskiy]. Simfonicheskie sobraniya IRMO // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1897. № 3. Stlb. 455.
7. P-zskiy E. [M. Petrovskiy]. Kontserty Sankt-Peterburgskoy muzykal’noy shkoly // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1896. № 4. Stlb. 461–464.
8. Senilov V. Sovremennye muzykal’nye deyateli. Rikh. Shtraus // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1901. № 6. Stlb. 171–172.
9. Khronika // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1897. № 9. Stlb. 1186–1187.
10. Khronika // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1899. № 19–20. S. 573.
11. Findeyzen N. Mangeym // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1897. № 9. Stlb. 1160–1167.
12. Findeyzen N. O knige F. Veyngartnera «Simfoniya posle Betkhovena» // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1898. № 7. S. 682–683.

Price: 50 рублей
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