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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 11 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015.

N. N. Ogloblin on Some Questions of Functioning of Voyevodsky Administration of Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Selenginsk and Nerchinsk in late 17th — early 18th Centuries

I. A. Silayeva
Price: 50 руб.
 N. N. Ogloblin, the renowned Russian historian and the archivist researched many aspects of activity of administrators of the East Siberian cities of Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Selenginsk and Nerchinsk in late 17th —early 18th centuries on the basis of study of extensive documentation of the Siberian order.
Keywords: N. N. Ogloblin, Eastern Siberia, voivodes, foremen, Cossacks, petitions, revolts.
1. Obozrenie stolbtsov i knig Sibirskogo prikaza (1592–1768 gg.) / sost. N. N.
Ogloblin. Ch. 3. Dokumenty po snosheniyam mestnogo upravleniya s tsentral’nym.
M., 1900.
2. Obozrenie stolbtsov i knig Sibirskogo prikaza (1592–1768 gg.). / sost. N. N.
Ogloblin. Ch. 4. Dokumenty tsentral’nogo upravleniya. M., 1901.
3. Ogloblin N. N. Bytovye cherty nachala XVIII v. M., 1904.
4. Ogloblin N. N. Vostochno-sibirskie polyarnye morekhody XVII veka // Zhurnal
Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 1903. № 5. Otd. 2.
5. Ogloblin N. N. Nerchinskiy zagovor o pobege na Amur i na ostrova Vostochnogo
okeana (Ocherk iz zhizni XVII v.) // Russkaya starina. 1896. № 10.
6. Ogloblin N. N. Novye dannye o Vladimire Atlasove. M., 1888.
Price: 50 рублей
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