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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014

Fa ctors of small business development in the Fa r Ea st region

E. E. Sergienko
Price: 50 руб.
 The Far East is a region bordering the Asia-Pacific countries and having economic
relationships with China, Japan, USA and Korea. At the same time, the international
transport corridors linking the countries of Western Europe and Asia Pacific Region
pass through it, and extensive cooperation with foreign partners takes place. It is widely
represented in the form of joint ventures. But because of the transition to the global
level this is becoming insufficient. It is necessary to expand the cooperation through the creation of transnational corporations and companies. Such development of cooperation has already happened in the field of electric power. However, the Far East, despite all the steps taken, is still relatively autonomous, radially locked region. To change this situation, it is necessary to realise resource and infrastructure energy projects, and thereby transform the Far East into a region of production and transit of hydrocarbons,electricity, and coal in the direction of energy centers in the countries of Northeast Asia.
Key words: regional economy, Far East, small business.
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5. Leonov S. N. Regional’naya ekonomika i upravlenie: ekonomika Dal’nego Vostoka: uchebnoe posobie
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176 s.
6. Malyi i sredniy biznes Khabarovskogo kraya / Ofitsial’nyi sayt ministerstva ekonomicheskogo
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7. Perspektivy razvitiya Dal’nego Vostoka // GosSmi. 2014. 478 s. URL: http://gossmi.ru/page/gos1_478.
8. Polterovich V. Strategiya modernizatsii // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2008. № 4. 160 s.
9. Filobokova L. Yu. Evolyutsiya razvitiya malogo predprinimatel’stva Dal’nego Vostoka i ego rol’ v razvitii
regional’noy ekonomiki // Rossiyskoe predprinimatel’stvo. 2004. № 7. URL: http://www.creativeconomy.
Price: 50 рублей
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