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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014

Problems of the budgeting system format ion at leasing compa nies

G. A. Gorbatkova
Price: 50 руб.
 The basic problems of the introduction and functioning of the budgeting process are
determined in the paper. The author defines the features of budgeting for enterprises
leasing property complexes and proposes the main directions of budget forming for this
category of leaseholders.
Key words: budgeting, income and expense budget, leaseholder, property complex,
lease costs, income of a lessor.
1. Vakhrushina M. A. Byudzhetirovanie: zadachi i protsedury // Sovremennyi bukhuchet. 2004. № 12.
S. 30–35.
2. Gorbacheva V. I. Osobennosti formirovaniya sistemy byudzhetirovaniya u organizatsiy skladskologisticheskogo
kompleksa // Nauchnoe mnenie. 2014. № 10. S. 150–154.
3. Gritsenko A. A. Byudzhetirovanie kholdingov: problemy i resheniya // Upravlenie kompaniey. 2005.
№ 9. S. 66–72.
Price: 50 рублей
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