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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014

Peculiarities of forming of the budgeting system at organisat ions of the storage and logistics sector

V. I. Gorbacheva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article presents the basic problems of the development, implementation and operation of the budgeting process. The author defines the features of budgeting for companies of the storage and logistics sector and proposes the basic directions of budgeting for this category of organisations.
Key words: budgeting, income and expense budget, storage and logistics sector, rent
1. Vakhrushina M. A. Byudzhetirovanie: zadachi i protsedury // Sovremennyi bukhuchet. 2004. № 12.
2. Gritsenko A. A. Byudzhetirovanie kholdingov: problemy i resheniya // Upravlenie kompaniey. 2005.
№ 9.
Price: 50 рублей
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