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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Villan cicos of Pedro de La garto

R. R. Zhaleyeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to three villancicos of Pedro de Lagarto, Spanish musician of the 15th century, belonging to the field of secular polyphonic song, poorly studied in the national musicology. The importance of Lagarto’s creativity is determined by its chronologically prime position in the development of villancico, which was geographically widespread and had a long historical destiny. Song heritage of Lagarto consists of one romance and three villancicos, which are typical examples of the genre. They are characterised by the diversity of subjects and themes including love lyrics and playfully satirical motives. Lagarto’s songs are marked with texture simplicity: they were written in simplex counterpoint with monorhythmic movement of voices that are broken down in cadences. They show different treatment of the refrain form. The poetic and musical form of one of the songs is a classic form for villancico and the two others reproduce a structure of the prevalent type of Arabic medieval poetrу – zajal. As a result of the review of Lagarto’s polyphonic villancicos, the author of the paper makes conclusions about their belonging to the democratic stylistic branch of the genre.
Key words: Spanish Renaissance, villancico, Pedro de Lagarto, refrain form, zajal,
simplex counterpoint.
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7. Stevenson R. Spanish Music in the Age of Columbus. Hague: Martinus Nijhqff, 1960. 335 p.
8. Stevenson R., Gomes M., Stein L. Spain: I (1-3) [Elektronnyi resurs] // The New Grove Dictionary of
Music and Musicians; ed. by: Stanley Sadie. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2001. – 1 elektron. opt. disk
Price: 50 рублей
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