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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

On the mean s of prosodic foregrounding in academic speak ing

E. K. Amelina
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper deals with the means of prosodic foregrounding in public academic speeches by educated native speakers of British English. The unit under analysis is an extended (consisting of more than one phonetic syntagm) chunk of speech. The questions raised by the author include the following: what means are used in public academic speeches to bring out extended chunks of speech, how many of them are used, how exactly are they used and combined with each other?
Key words: prosodic foregrounding, means of prosodic foregrounding, prosodic
prominence, extended chunk of speech, academic speaking, British English.
1. Amelina E. K. Nekotorye aspekty mekhanizma prosodicheskogo vydeleniya protyazhennykh otrezkov
rechi (na materiale angliyskogo yazyka) // Vestnik Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya:
Novye gumanitarnye issledovaniya. 2013. № 4 (33). S. 175–178.
2. Decheva S. V. Slogodelenie v angliyskoy rechi (kognitivnaya sillabika): dis. … d-ra filol. nauk. M.,
1995. 380 s.
3. Kodzasov S. V., Krivnova O. F. Obshchaya fonetika. M.: Izd-vo RGGU, 2001. 592 s.
4. Sokolova M. A., Gintovt K. P., Kanter L. A., Krylova N. I., Tikhonova I. O., Shabadash G. A.
Prakticheskaya fonetika angliyskogo yazyka. M.: Vlados, 2001. 383 s.
5. An outline of English phonetics / Ed. by Akhmanova O., Minayeva L. Moscow: Moscow University
Press, 1973. 140 p.
6. Bolinger D. A theory of pitch accent in English // Word. 1958. №14. Pp. 109–149.
7. Hirschberg J. Pitch accent in context: Predicting intonational prominence from text // Artificial
Intelligence. 1993. № 63. Pp. 305–340.
8. Jensen C. Stress and accent. Prominence relations in Southern Standard British English: PhD thesis.
University of Copenhagen, 2004. 192 p.
9. OˈConnor J. D., Arnold G. F. Intonation of colloquial English. London: Longman, 1973. 290 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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