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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Modern scient ific edition: the problem of typology

T. V. Gogolina, E. N. Ivanovа
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 The article examines samples of scientific-educational and popular-psychological
publications that reflect tendencies in the transformation of the scientific edition type
using the material of capital and regional publishing houses.
Key words: typology of editions, scientific edition, hybrid edition, modern publishing
1. Antonova S. G. Redaktorskaya podgotovka izdaniy: uchebnik / Antonova S. G., Vasil’yev V. I.,
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2. GOST 7.60-2003 «Izdaniya. Osnovnye vidy. Terminy i opredeleniya». M., 2003. [Elektronnyi resurs].
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3. Demidovskiy vremennik: istoricheskiy al’manakh. Yekaterinburg: Demidovskiy institut, 1994. Kn. I.
400 s.
4. Kleo.ru. Zastav’ ego zhenit’sya! 10 luchshikh sposobov vyiti zamuzh. M.: Eksmo, 2013. 256 s.
5. Koloev A. S. Nauchno-prosvetitel’skie izdaniya kak tipologicheskaya nisha // Mediaskop. 2012. № 2.
[Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://www.mediascope.ru/node.
6. Ofitsial’nyi sayt NKPOO «Demidovskiy institut». [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://www.dem-inst.ru.
7. Piz A., Piz B. Novyi yazyk telodvizheniy. Rasshirennaya versiya. M.: Eksmo, 2008. 416 s.
8. Prokofiy Akinfievich Demidov. Pis’ma i dokumenty. 1735–1786. Yekaterinburg: Demidovskiy institut,
2010. 496 s.
9. Sasmen L. Boleye 100 sposobov zavoevat’ muzhchinu. M.: AST: Astrel’, 2005. 96 s.
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