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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Advanced training of teachers in the context of continuing education: problems and prospects

V. A. Polyakova
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyses the changes in the concept of adult education in continuous open
education in the information society. The interrelation of the advanced education
philosophy ideas, connectionism and constructivism in building personally significant
meanings (“nodes”) of an educational network is studied. The author proves the necessity to modernise the teachers’ advanced training system based on the integration of formal, non-formal and informal learning with the aim of building an individual trajectory of teachers’ professional development.
Key words: continuing education, open education, advanced education of adults,
connectionism, constructivism, formal, non-formal and informal adult education,
professional development of teachers.
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2. Obrazovanie vzroslykh: tseli i tsennosti / рod red. G. S. Sukhobskoy, E. A. Sokolovskoy, T. V. Shadrinoy. SPb.: IOV RAO, 2002. 208 s.
3. Feshchenko A. V. Sotsial’nye seti v obrazovanii: analiz opyta i perspektivy razvitiya // Otkrytoe i distantsionnoe obrazovanie. 2011. № 3. S. 44–50.
Price: 50 рублей
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