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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Pedagogical laws and requirements of the educational process designing on the ergonomic basis

L. P. Okulovа
Price: 50 руб.
The theoretical substantiation of designing a educational process on the ergonomic basis
is presented in the article. The designing is carried out taking into account the didactic
and methodical laws and using the information and communication technologies. The
author describes stages of the system of controlling a teacher’s professional work and
educational activity of a student working with educational technologies, in particular,
with a computer in the information-educational environment.
Key words: educational process, ergonomics of education, designing, informationeducational environment, computer.
1. Belyaeva A. P. Integrativno-modul’naya pedagogicheskaya sistema professional’nogo obucheniya. SPb.: Radom, 1997. 227 s.
2. Gotskaya I. B. Marketingovoe proektirovanie metodicheskoy sistemy obucheniya informatike studentov pedvuzov: monografiya. SPb., 1999.
Price: 50 рублей
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