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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

The function of dreams in the Siberian source of the Middle Ages “Mazhmugyl Hikayat” (“A Collection of Short Stories”)

V. N. Ibukova
Price: 50 руб.
The article discusses the function of dreams in the stories included in the book
“Mazhmugyl Hikayat” (“A Collection of Short Stories”). Dream is considered as a
literary artistic device, a plot-forming and compositional element. The author reveals
the uniqueness and ideological artistic significance of the motive of dreams in medieval literature works. The study determines the role of dream for developing characters in the stories and provides a deeper analysis of the author’s views.
Key words: dream, night fantasy, prophetic dream, reason of dream, artistic device, moral estimation, character of heroes, fantastic images, internal experiences, psychological characteristic.
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Price: 50 рублей
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