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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Sound space arrangement in piano music of Viennese classicism (J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart)

E. L. Aleksandrova
Price: 50 руб.
The sound space arrangement in terms of pattern-background relations in piano music
of Viennese classics is considered in the paper. The author determines archetypes
of the classical type of thinking in art and reveals stylistic features of the texture of
great Viennese classics – J. Haydn and W. A. Mozart, compared to their less known
Key words: Viennese classicism, texture, harmony, pattern and background, mode,
syntax, evolution.
1. Bershadskaya T. S. Lektsii po garmonii. 3-e izd., dop. SPb.: Kompozitor, 2003.
2. Klimovitskiy A. I. O tvorcheskom protsesse Betkhovena. L.: Muzyka, Leningr. otd-e, 1979.
3. Ruch’yevskaya E. A. Funktsii muzykal’noy temy. L.: Muzyka, Leningr. otd-e, 1977.
4. Skrebkov S. S. Khudozhestvennye printsipy muzykal’nykh stiley. M.: Muzyka, 1973.
5. Titova E. V. Faktura kak element stilevoy sistemy (na materiale klavirnykh sochineniy Motsarta): dis. … kand. iskusstvoved. Rukopis’ LOLGK, 1983.
Price: 50 рублей
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