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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Game mechanisms of discourse integration in postmodern fiction

Z. M. Chemodurova
Price: 50 руб.
The article views the literary text as interdiscourse and examines mechanisms of
discourse interaction represented in postmodern texts. The article focuses on the strategy of simulated discourse change which determines a number of properties inherent in postmodern literary texts.
Key words: discourse, prototypical element, strategy of simulated discourse change,
carnival topos, irony, parody.
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7. Chemodurova Z. M. Igra v postmodernistskom tekste. SPb.: Palitra, 2013. 387 s.
8. Chernyavskaya V. E. Tekst kak interdiskursivnoe sobytie// Tekst – Diskurs – Stil’. Kommunikatsiya v ekonomike. SPb.: Izd-vo SPGUEF, 2004. S. 33–42.
9. Atwood M. The Penelopiad. Edinburgh, London, N. Y., Melbourne: Canongate, 2005. 199 p.
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Price: 50 рублей
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