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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2014

Philosophical discourse on the reason for human existence

E. V. Kurakina
Price: 50 руб.
The attempt to analyse the goals and tasks of human existence and to reveal the reason
for being is made in the paper. The author highlights the major issues underlying the
essential human needs.
Key words: sense, existence, contradictions, responsibility, man, development.
1. Maslou A. G. Motivatsiya i lichnost’. SPb.: Piter, 2013. 352 s.
2. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskakh smysla. M.: AST, 2007. 342 s.
3. Fromm E. Iskusstvo byt’. M.: AST, 2013. 320 s.
4. Fromm E. Psikhoanaliz i etika. M.: AST, 2009. 415 s.
5. Fromm E. Chelovek dlya sebya. M.: AST, 2008. 320 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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