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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2014

Search for “new spirituality” in church music of the 19th century

D. V. Stefanovich
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the European trends in the development of the new style of church music. The general phenomena are compared and the differences are discussed. For the first time the author identifies ways of the church music development in European countries and Russia, which are independent of religious affiliation.
Key words: church music, Court Chapel, Synodal School.
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5. Kyung G. Vol’fgang Amadey Motsart. Tsit. po: Bogoslovie i muzyka. Tri rechi o Motsarte. M.: Bibleysko-Bogoslovskiy institut sv. apostola Andreya. M. 2006.
6. Rollan R. Muzykanty nashikh dney. M. 1989.
Price: 50 рублей
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