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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2014

Notable commander Ehsan khan Naxcivanski Kengerli in the painting of V. D. Mashkov, painter of battles, academician

Kuliyev M. R. o.
Price: 50 руб.
The article deals with V. D. Mashkov’s historical painting “The surrender of the Abbas-
Abad Fortress” drawn on July 7, 1827, near Nakhchivan. The investigator included the
painting to the scientific exploration for the first time and proved the non-substitutive role of this historical source in the solution of the controversy in the history of Nakhchivan by means of the documents.
Key words: Abbas-Abad fortress, V. D. Mashkov, Kalbali khan, National Museum of
History of Azerbaijan, painting.
1. AKAK (Akty, sobrannye Kavkazskoy Arkheograficheskoy Komissiey). Tiflis, 1878. T VII. 994 s. D. 436, 438.
2. AKAK. Tiflis. 1878. T. VII.
3. Gezalov P. Znamena azerbaydzhanskikh khanstv kak istochnik po izucheniyu istorii gosudarstvennosti. Baku, 2010. 208 s.
4. Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskiy Arkhiv Rossii. F.1018.
5. Yenikolopov I. Griboedov i Vostok. Yerevan, 1954. 199 s.
6. Zubov P. P. Kartina posledney voyny Rossii s Persiey 1826–1828. SPb.: 1834. 135 s.
7. Zubov P. P. Podvigi russkikh voinov v sanakh Kavkazskikh s 1800–1834 godakh. SPb.: 1887. T. III. 269 s.
8. Murav’yev N. N. Zapiski // Russkiy Arkhiv. M., 1889. Kn. 3. Vyp. II.
9. Nagdaliev F. F. Khany Nakhichevanskie v Rossiyskoy Imperii. M., 2006. 432 s.
10. Nauchnyi Tsentr Manuskriptov Gruzii. Lichnyi Arkhiv Smirnova. Guzanly Dzhamil’. Rucskopersidskaya voyna 1827–1828 gg. (mashinopis’). 39 s.
11. Natsional’nyi Arkhiv Gruzii. F. 11. Op. 1. D. 50.
12. Natsional’nyi Arkhiv Gruzii. F. 2. Op. 1. D. 2399.
13. SMOMPK (Sbornik materialov dlya opisaniya mestnostey i plemen Kavkaza). Tiflis, 1901.
14. Teymurlu G. G. (Bananiyarskiy) Vospominaniya (na azerb. yazyke). M., 1990 (rukopis’). 8 s.
15. Shyukurov K. K. Turkmenchay–1828. Istoricheskaya khronika (sokr.) (na azerb. yazyke). Baku, 2006. 188 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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