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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2014

N. N. Ogloblin as a researcher of the history of the Siberian Prikaz of the 17th–18th centuries

I. A. Silayeva
Price: 50 руб.
Based on the study of a great number of documents of the Siberian Prikaz, the works of
the prominent Russian historian and archivist N. N. Ogloblin give a comprehensive idea, in particular, about many sides of its formation and development in the 17th and early 18th centuries. N. N. Ogloblin carefully analysed charters, formal replies, petitions, memories, excerpts and other forms of paperwork of the Siberian Prikaz, reflecting the relationships of the Moscow government with the power of the eastern districts of Russia.
Key words: N. N. Ogloblin, Siberia, Siberian Prikaz, dyak, podyachy, voivode,
1. Vlast’ v Sibiri: XVI – nachalo XX v. / sost. M. O. Akishin, A. V. Remnev. Novosibirsk, 2005. 696 s.
2. Obozrenie stolbtsov i knig Sibirskogo Prikaza (1592–1768 gg.) / sost. N. N. Ogloblin. Ch. 1. Dokumenty voevodskogo upravleniya. M., 1895. 421 s.
3. Obozrenie stolbtsov i knig Sibirskogo prikaza (1592–1768 gg.). Ch. 3. Dokumenty po snosheniyam mestnogo upravleniya s tsentral’nym. M., 1900. 389 s.
4. Ogloblin N. N. K istorii Chelobitnogo prikaza (1642–1644) // Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya (daleye – ZhMNP). 1892. № 6. Otd. 2. 19 s.
5. Ogloblin N. N. Provintsial’nye arkhivy v XVII veke (Ocherk iz istorii arkhivnogo dela v Rossii) // Vestnik arkheologii i istorii. 1886. Vyp. 6. 133 s.
6. Ogloblin N. N. Proiskhozhdenie provintsial’nykh pod’yachikh v XVII veke // ZhMNP. 1894. № 9. Otd. 2. S. 118–241.
Price: 50 рублей
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