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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2014

In search of new art (authority and art in the Soviet Union in the 1920s)

A. V. Ryabov
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the problem of regulating the artistic life of the country by
the Bolsheviks in the early period of the Soviet state development. State planning of
spiritual life is a Platonic idea of introducing higher order into a social structure. The
party affects art, and art schools coordinate their development relying on the basic
policy. This trailblazing experiment promoted the rapid development of the country’s art
life and left its mark in the history of Soviet architecture and painting.
Key words: art, authority, art schools, Soviet state, modernism.
1. Arvatov B. I. Iskusstvo i klassy. M.; Pg.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1923. 88 s.
2. Bor’ba za realizm v izobrazitel’nom iskusstve 1920-kh godov / pod red. V. N. Perel’mana. M.: Sovetskiy khudozhnik, 1962. 403 s.
3. Brik O. M. Ot kartiny k sittsu // LEF. № 2 (6). 1924.
4. Golomshtok N. N. Totalitarnoe iskusstvo. M.: Galart, 1994. 296 s.
5. Grabar’ I. E. Moya zhizn’. Avtomonografiya. M.; L.: Iskusstvo, 1937. 374 s.
6. K voprosu o politike RKP(b.) v khudozhestvennoy literature. M.: Krasnaya nov’, 1924. 109 s.
7. Literaturnye manifesty. T. 1. Rossiya. Ot simvolizma do «Oktyabrya». M., 1924. 303 s.
8. Sergeyev V. A. Bor’ba kommunisticheskoy partii protiv melkoburzhuaznosti v iskusstve (1917–1932). L.: LGU, 1976.
9. Sovetskoe iskusstvo za 15 let / sost. I. Matsa, L. Reyngardt, L. Rempel’. L.: Ogiz-Izogiz, 1933.
10. Chuzhak N. F. Pod znakom zhiznestroeniya // LEF. № 1. 1923.
Price: 50 рублей
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