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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2014

The interaction of documentary and fiction in A. I. Herzen’s “Notes of a Young Man” (the problem of text integrity)

M. D. Kuzmina
Price: 50 руб.
A. I. Herzen’s “Notes of a Young Man” are considered in the paper as the writing whose
integrity is built up through the complex interaction of documentary and fiction. The
first part of the work is primarily based on the autobiography, whereas the diary forms
the second part, at the same time the autobiography and the diary are expanded over
the whole text: elements of a travel diary also occur outside the “diary” part and, on the
contrary, it is characterised by retrospection, which is non-organic for the diary tradition.
Key words: Herzen, “Notes of a Young Man”, fiction, documentary, “genre polysemantism”, autobiography, diary.
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Price: 50 рублей
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