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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2014

The structure of narration and the dominant of the artistic world in A. Ilichevski y’s novels

M. V. Bezrukavaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article presents a complex research of the narration structure dominant and the
narrative world structure in A. Ilichevskiy’s novels “Persian”, “Mathematician” and
“Anarchist”. The author briefly describes the content of the novels and the techniques
used to achieve the maximum effect. In A. Ilichevskiy’s novels the conceptual unity
is depicted in two opposite scopes (movements): 1) a person looking for a person;
2) intuition or state of consciousness. These scopes loosen the plot and increase the
internal abstraction of text. The characters of the novels “Persian”, “Mathematician”
and “Anarchist” try to realise their dreams, overcoming a personal crisis, but do it in the
context of the natural space.
Key words: artistic world, Russian literature, poetics, space, natural context, death,
ambivalent image.
1. Glikman K. Podrezannye dzhungli (Aleksandr Ilichevskiy. Matematik) // Oktyabr’, 2011. № 12. URL: .http://magazines.russ.ru/october/2011/12/g30.html (data obrashcheniya: 4 aprelya 2014).
2. Ilichevskiy A. Anarkhisty: roman. M.: Astrel’, 2012. 416 s.
3. Ilichevskiy A. Matematik: roman. M.: AST; Astrel’, 2011. 315 s.
4. Ilichevskiy A. Pers: roman. M.: AST; Astrel’, 2010. 640 s.
5. Kuznetsova A. Aleksandr Ilichevskiy. Pers // Znamya. 2011. № 3. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/znamia/2011/3/ku14.html (data obrashcheniya: 4 aprelya 2014).
6. Lebyodushkina O. Shchit Akhilla, ptitsa khubara i shum dozhdya, b’yushchego po list’yam (Aleksandr Ilichevskiy. Pers: Roman. M.: AST: Astrel’, 2010.) // Druzhba Narodov. 2010. № 12. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/druzhba/2010/12/le15.html (data obrashcheniya: 2 aprelya 2014).
7. Pasechnik V. Granitsy razumnogo (Aleksandr Ilichevskiy. Pers. Roman. M.: AST, 2010.) // Ural. 2011. № 5. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/ural/2011/5/pa18.html (data obrashcheniya: 5 aprelya 2014)
8. Pustovaya V. Krupitsy tverdi. Aleksandr Ilichevskiy // Voprosy literatury. 2010. № 4. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/voplit/2010/4/pu5.html (data obrashcheniya: 2 aprelya 2014).
Price: 50 рублей
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