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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2014

Innovati ons in the 21st century

I. V. Kirova
Price: 50 руб.
The variety of definitions of the term “innovations” impedes the elaboration of a uniform
approach to innovative development, which negatively affects practical activities of
domestic business. The analysis of the available definitions is carried out in the paper
and their strong and weak spots are revealed. The author proposes a unified definition
of the term “innovations” that will help to produce a single approach to the conceptual
framework of innovative management and, as a result, improve the quality of innovation
management in practice.
Key words: innovations, proin, innovative development.
1. Avsyannikov N. M. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment. M.: Izdatel’stvo Rossiyskogo Universiteta druzhby narodov (RUDN), 2002. 176 s.
2. Zavlin P. G. Osnovy innovatsionnogo menedzhmenta. M.: Ekonomika, 2000. 156 s.
3. Kokurin D. I. Innovatsionnaya deyatel’nost’. M.: Ekzamen, 2001. 576 s.
4. Utkin E. A., Morozova N. I., Morozova G. I. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment. M.: AKALIS, 1996. 208 s.
5. Fatkhutdinov R. A. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment. SPb.: PITER, 2008. 448 s.
6. Sсhumpeter J. A. 1934. The Theory of Economic Development. Transaction Publishers. Р. 244.
Price: 50 рублей
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