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"The Scientific Opinion" № 6, 2014

Game as one of the narrative dominants in short novels by Friedrich Halm

G. A. Loshakova
Price: 50 руб.
In the framework of studying of literature Biedermeier interests the novelistic of Austrian
playwrighter Friedrich Halm (1806 – 1871). In the novels he turns to traditional moral
values (love, honor, dignity). Important for him also the theme of the creative personality
of the artist. The motive of the game, however, gives the opportunity to show the views
of the hero-Burger as internally contradictory and ambiguous category.
Key words: the literary Biedermeier, story, structure of the game, mask, doubles.
1. Loshakova G. A. Nemetskaya klassika i khudozhestvennaya proza bidermeyera v Avstrii. Ul‘yanovsk: UlGU, 2013. 239 s.
2. Mikhaylov A. V. Problemy analiza perekhoda k realizmu v literature XIX veka // Yazyki kul‘tury. M.: Yazyki russkoy kul‘tury, 1997. S. 43–111.
3. Kheyzinga Y. Homo ludens; V teni zavtrashnego dnya / per. V. V. Oshisa; obshch. red. i poslesl. G. M. Tavrizyan. M.: Progress-Akademiya, 1992. 458 s.
4. Arendt D. Das novellistische Werk Friedrich Halms: Diss. Marburg, 1953. 128 s.
5. Corbineau-Hoffmann A. Einführung in die Komparatistik: 2. Überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Berlin: E. Schmidt Verl., 2004. 288 s.
6. Halm F. Das Haus an der Veronabrücke: Novellen. Berlin: Der Morgen, 1968. 425 s.
7. Hermand J. Die literarische Formenwelt des Biedermeiers. Giessen: W. Schmitz Verl., 1958. 228 s.
8. Himmel H. Geschichte der deutschen Novelle. Bern, München: Francke V., 1963. 545 s.
9. Hube E. Nachwort // Halm F. Das Haus an der Veronabrücke: Novellen. Berlin, 1968. S. 411–425.
10. Kirchtag I. Münch-Bellinghausens Erzählungen: Stoff, Gehalt und Form: Diss. Wien, 1937. 84 s.
11. Reinecke Ch. Studien zu Halms Erzählungen und ihrer Technik: Diss. Tübingen, 1912. 62 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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