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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Hand gestures in Chinese and Russian cultures

Chen Weili
Price: 50 руб.
Language is an important means for expressing human thought and feeling. Gesture
as a non-verbal dimension of language plays an important role in communication. A
hand is the most mobile and flexible part of the human body. Hand gestures can convey information and emotions between people, they represent one of the methods of nonverbal communication. In China and Russia the very same gestures can mean the same, but can as well have a different, even the opposite meaning. Since gestures as a means of expression are an important part of culture, they greatly influence their culture, history and customs of the country and people. This article analyses the cultural differences of Chinese and Russian hand gestures, so that people could express their thoughts more precisely and avoid misunderstandings in communicative acts.
Key words: verbal language, non-verbal language, hand gestures, culture, China, Russia.
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Price: 50 рублей
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