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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Bilingual education as an integral component of the language policy of modern Russia

О. А. Seliverstova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper deals with the role of bilingual education in the language policy of the Russian Federation. The author points out problems and attempts to find solutions for building a system of bilingual education in Russia using the US and EU experience.
Key words: bilingual education, modernisation of education, education policy,
language policy, language planning.
1. Prilozhenie k rasporyazheniyu Pravitel’stva ot 07-02-2011 №164-r (Kontseptsiya federal’noy tselevoy programmy «Russkiy yazyk» na 2011–2015 gody). URL: http://rs.gov.ru/sites/rs-gov.ru/files/Prilozhenie_k_rasporyazheniyu_Pravitelstva_ot_07-02-2011_no164-r.pdf (data obrashcheniya 20.10.2013).
2. Safonova V. V., Marchenko N. I. Bilingval’nye obrazovatel’nye programmy kak instrument obnovleniya soderzhaniya yazykovogo shkol’nogo obrazovaniya /// Inostrannye yazyki v shkole. 2010. № 3. S. 2–14.
3. Shirin A. G. Pedagogicheskie aspekty bilingvizma: razvitie novoy nauchnoy shkoly // Uchenye zapiski instituta nepreryvnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. Velikiy Novgorod. 2001. Vyp. 3. Kn. 2. S. 126–131.
4. Yudina N. V. Russkiy yazyk v XXI veke: krizis? evolyutsiya? progress? M.: Gnozis, 2010. 293 s.
5. Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity: An Action Plan 2004–2006. URL: http://ec.europa.eu/education/doc/official/keydoc/actlang/act_lang_en.pdf (data obrashcheniya 15.10.2013).
6. The Bilingual Education Act: Twenty Years Later / G.Stewner-Manzanares // New Focus, Occasional Papers in Bilingual Education. Fall 1988. Number 6.
Price: 50 рублей
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