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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Rock-clubs as forms of presenting the artistic imagery of rock music in the Russian art culture at the turn of 21st century (cases of Saint-Petersburg and Yekaterinburg)

E. G. Savina
Price: 50 руб.
Some problems of modern rock music and rock clubs (Saint Petersburg and Yekaterinburg taken as examples) as a phenomenon of the Russian art culture at the turn of 21st century are considered in the article. The basic stages of the development of the rock club movement in Petersburg and Yekaterinburg are considered, the artistic images of modern rock groups of Petersburg and Yekaterinburg are analysed. The author comes to a conclusion that the question of opening a rock center in Yekaterinburg shows the uneven development of the rock club industry of the megapolis and province.
Key words: rock music, rock clubs, music of the 20th century, artistic image of a rock
musician, culture of the 20th century.
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Price: 50 рублей
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