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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

The effect of sound on the realism of perception by means of the new video playback technique using the virtual reality headset Oculus Rift

M. V. Nikonov
Price: 50 руб.
The development of modern technologies of audiovisual image playback stimulates
broadening of the range of expressive means in multimedia art. Perception of the new
forms of transmission of sound and image in their synthesis with interactive devices is
still poorly studied. Thus, there is a need to investigate the effect of new audiovisual
technologies on a viewer in order to develop artistic devices and enforce the effect of
a viewer’s immersion into the multimedia space. With the help of the virtual reality
headset Oculus Rift, observers watched an audiovisual scene with two different sound
variants. The visual range consisted of a 1-minute spherical video panorama depicting
several people at different space points. One of the people in the video talked to the
audience – his speech was the only sound source. With Oculus the observer had a visual 360-degree spherical field of view. In the first variant, the observer heard stereo sound which was not affected by the head posture. In the second embodiment, the sound varies depending on the position of the observer’s head. The comparison of estimates, given by the observers, helped to determine quantitatively that “interactive audio” in the second variant makes the realism of perceiving a scene viewed through Oculus 6.8 times higher.
Key words: interactive cinema, audio-visual interaction, video 360, video panorama,
interactivity, the future of cinematography.
1. Nikonov M. Evolyutsiya issledovaniya audiovizual’nogo vzaimodeystviya // Nauchnoe mnenie. № 8. 2012.
2. Nikonov M. Kinematograf novogo tipa // Nauchnoe mnenie. № 1. 2014.
3. Bolanos J. G., Pulkki V. Immersive Audiovisual Environment with 3D audio playback. AES 132th Convention Budapest (2012).
4. Kamekawa T., Marui A., [et al] «Evaluation of spatial impression comparing surround with height channels for 3D imagery». AES 132th Convention Budapest, Hungary Proceedings (2012).
5. Kamekawa T., Marui A., Date Т., and Enatsu M. The effects of spatial depth in the combinations of 3D imagery and 7ch surround with height channels. AES 134th Convention Rome (2013).
Price: 50 рублей
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