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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Requirements of the State Educational Standards of Kazakhstan and the Russia for foreign and Kazakh languages

G. Z. Moldakhmetova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper describes the requirements of the State Educational Standards for forming
economic students’ skills in the English and Kazakh languages.
Key words: skill, state educational standard, state educational standard for higher
vocational education.
1. Mikheyeva N. F. Metodika prepodavaniya inostrannykh yazykov: uchebnoe posobie. M: RUDN, 2007.
2. Moldakhmetova G. Z. Razvitie professional’nogo yazykovogo obrazovaniya neyazykovykh vuzov: monografiya. Pavlodar: Kereku, 2009. 232 s.
3. Mikheyeva N. F., Moldakhmetova G. Z. Metod proektov v izuchenii angliyskogo i kazakhskogo yazykov: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov i magistrantov neyazykovykh spetsial’nostey. Pavlodar: PGU im. S. Toraygyrova. 2008. 133 s.
4. Moldakhmetova G. Z. Spetsifika otkrytogo obrazovaniya i ego vliyaniya na metodiku obucheniya yazykam // Vyssheye obrazovanie segodnya. № 10. 2009. S. 33–36.
5. Mikheyeva N. F., Moldakhmetova G. Z. Ispol’zovanie proektnoy deyatel’nosti v integrirovannom obuchenii angliyskomu i kazakhskomu yazykam studentov ekonomicheskikh spetsial’nostey // Vestnik RUDN. № 2. 2010. S.75–82.
6. Moldakhmetova G. Development of Professional Language Education in Non-linguistic Institutions of Higher Education. Prague Development Center, Prague, Czech Republic, 2010. 170 р.
Price: 50 рублей
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